FWR - Firwood Waterloo Rugby
FWR stands for Firwood Waterloo Rugby
Here you will find, what does FWR stand for in Firm under Sports category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Firwood Waterloo Rugby? Firwood Waterloo Rugby can be abbreviated as FWR What does FWR stand for? FWR stands for Firwood Waterloo Rugby. What does Firwood Waterloo Rugby mean?Firwood Waterloo Rugby is an expansion of FWR
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Alternative definitions of FWR
- Fire When Ready
- Far West Record
- Field Water Requirement
- First Watch Restaurants
- Fourth Wall Restaurants
- First Western Realty
- Florida Wellness Rehab
View 28 other definitions of FWR on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- FRSL Futura Retail Solutions Ltd
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- FCC Family Care Connections
- FDC Fast Dial Canada
- FLT First Light Travel
- FDL Fashion Direct Ltd
- FEWMMC FEW Moves Moving Company
- FOL Formula e Operations Limited
- FMS First Media Solutions
- FFGL Fresh Finance Group Ltd
- FMC Fox Medical Center
- FFSC Fair Food Standards Council
- FCL Falcon Crest Lodge
- FJI First Jersey Insurance
- FPS First Professional Services
- FMA Frederickson Murri Accounting
- FCUK Forex Consultancy UK
- FIC Formosa International Corp.
- FHS Fitch High School